Giffards Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Remote learning


Home Learning

Throughout the COVID19 situation our pupils were set work via their Purple Mash accounts as well as via Google Classrooms. The children also had access to WhiteRose Maths and many other websites that they are used to using to assist their learning. Every child in the school had a workpack that included a named chromebook and set of headphones that was available for collection on the first day of absence.

Lessons were lived streamed daily starting with a Google Meet session at registration as well as work set remotely. For parents that did not have internet access at home we  were able to supply a sim card that allowed them to access free internet whilst their child was carrying out home learning. These live lessons ensured that your child was able to work as independently as they would be working if they were in school. We always asked that they wear their headphones so that any external noise did not distract them from their school work.

Please click here for our home learning policy and guidance

Please see details of our Google Classroom including our daily GoogleMeet live provision as below: