Giffards Primary School was created by joining together Giffards Infant School and Giffards Junior School. Both previous schools were opened in 1958 to serve the Shell Company estate, having being built to the west of the school, and the established houses on both sides of the old Southend Road. On 1st April 2014 we became an academy – Giffards Primary School is now a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8920008. Our registered office is at Queen Elizabeth Drive, Corringham, Essex, SS17 7TG.
With numerous additions and improvements to both school buildings over the years, Giffards Primary School now has excellent facilities with high quality resources and provides a bright, cheerful environment in which to learn. Secure fencing to the front and back of the school enhances the outside of the school. There are four large playgrounds with lots of play equipment for the children and an area of field with some planted shrubs and trees. Each class in both KS1 and KS2 have interactive screens as well as computers and chromebooks for the children to use to aid their learning. We also have a fully equipped ICT suite that has 30 computers and an interactive whiteboard, all with lots of excellent software installed.
Every child in the school has a named chromebook as well as a set of headphones for use both at school and at home.