Starting in Foundation Stage

There is a comprehensive induction programme for new entrants during the summer term before they are due to start school, which helps the children to feel confident about starting. During this time the children have an opportunity to come to our book and toy library. This is held in the KS1 dining hall between 2.00pm-2.45pm and are generally run on a Monday and a Wednesday but nearer the time the days will be confirmed.

Children also have the opportunity to spend time in the classroom with their parents experiencing some of the exciting activities which are in store for them as well as joining their new class teacher in the classroom for a story. During this time there are also meetings for parents to explain the process in more detail.

For children starting in September 2024

You are more than welcome to contact us to book on to one of our school tours if your child is due to start in Foundation Stage in September 2024. The headteacher likes to meet all new pupils and parents and these tours are a good way for you not only to see the school but meet our friendly dedicated staff too . The tour dates are as below.All tours start at 9.10am and we ask that you arrive by 9.05am so we can get everyone signed in. The tours last around an hour. We look forward to meeting you and showing off our wonderful school!

Tuesday 26/09

Thursday 2/09

Tuesday 02/10

Tuesday 17/10

Thursday 19/10

Thursday 02/11

Tuesday 14/11

Tuesday 21/11

Thursday 23/11

Please call 01375 672138 or email to book a place.

The applications for a place for September 2022 can be made from 1st November 2021 until 15th January 2022 online via the Thurrock Council Admissions page  and all offers will be sent by the Local Authority on 19th April 2022.

All children are admitted full time from the Autumn term.

Initially they stay until 12 noon, then until 1.00pm and then full time until 3.00pm. This ensures a smooth start to their schooling life. If at any point during the initial transition period either your child’s teacher or yourself do not think your child is settling well we can arrange for them to reduce their hours slightly. This does not often happen but if you feel this is the case with your child then please see your child’s teacher.