
Giffards is in the enviable position of having a large number of classroom assistants, employed throughout the school, allowing us an excellent adult to pupil ratio. Expertise is provided by visiting part time staff to assist with specialised aspects of the curriculum such as P.E., music, dance etc. We also have access to counsellors and other professionals, if you feel your child could benefit from meeting with them please do let the Inclusion Team know.

If you wish to speak to Mrs Teager, our SENCo and person with responsibility for Looked After Children and English as Additional Language, directly please do not hesitate to contact us on 01375 672138 or email us on requesting this and we will ensure she contacts you at the first available opportunity.

Help is also available from visiting specialists such as physiotherapists, speech therapists etc.

Please phone the office anytime if you wish to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher or have any queries – 01375 672138.

Our Team from April 2024:

Headteacher – Mrs Haslam-Davis

Assistant Headteachers – Miss James & Mrs Teager

Current Year 6 Teachers – Mrs Robbins and Miss Wallace

Current Year 5 Teachers – Mrs Roberts and Miss Woodward

Current Year 4 Teachers – Mr Clarke and Miss Dale

Current Year 3 Teachers – Mrs Choudhury and Miss Clayton

Current Year 2 Teachers – Mrs Hollaman and Miss Teager

Current Year 1 Teachers – Mrs Tatnell/Mrs Mclean  and Miss Russell

Current Reception Teachers – Mrs Timothy and Mrs Vickers

Inclusion Manager, including all SENCo responsibilities, and person with responsibility for Looked After Children and EAL – Mrs Teager. Please call on 01375 672138 or email on and we will ensure she contacts you at the earliest opportunity. If you have any concerns/complaints about your child who is currently on the SEND register or that you wish to be on the SEND register before making an official complaint, we do ask that you talk to Mrs V Teager, our special educational needs co-ordinator (SENDCo) to try and find a solution. If you do this and you do not feel the solution is acceptable then please follow our official Complaints Procedure .

Cover Teacher – Mrs Marsh

Music Teacher – Mrs Linard

Teacher on Maternity leave – Mrs Lawrence

Learning Mentor – Mrs Holdsworth

PE Coach – Miss Fitzpatrick

Learning Support Assistants – Mrs Bibi, Mrs Bowen,  Mrs Cork,  Miss Dubois, Miss Ellis, Mrs Fountain, Mrs Glover, Mrs Halcrow, Mrs Hatter, Mrs Higgins, Mrs Horncastle, Mrs Kercher, Mrs Lee, Mrs Lester, Mrs Maguire-Parsons, Mrs Mitchell, Mrs O’Connor, Mrs Onslow, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Smith, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Westbrook, Mrs Willats and Mrs Wright.

Admin Team – Mrs Bryant/Miss Gowlett (School Business Manager), Mrs Jackson,  Mrs Lethby and Ms Ridgewell.

Midday Assistants – Mrs Boyce, Ms Grace,  Mrs Howe, Mrs Kemp, Mrs Livermore, Mrs Revell and Mrs Spooner.

Site Staff – Cleaning –  Mrs Brodie, Mrs Brown, Mrs Leach and Mrs Tolson and caretaker, Mr Field.